Our History
On August 2, 1856, nine men from Annville founded a band of all cornets. This fledgling “cornet band”, under the leadership of John Henning, rehearsed in the tavern at the west end of town, known then as the Washington House. Hence, the Washington Cornet Band of Annville got its name.
The Washington Band of Annville continues to provide quality music for Annville and surrounding communities and is a 501 (c)(3) organization.
Learn more about how history by clicking the link, below:
The Washington Band of Annville continues to provide quality music for Annville and surrounding communities and is a 501 (c)(3) organization.
Learn more about how history by clicking the link, below:
Who We Are Today
Today, our 50+/- member band members range in age from high school aged students to our seasoned players in their 80s. That is the joy of music - it is a common language and experience that unites us all. Click on the link, below, to see our current personnel.